Give the gift voucher to a loved one.
- Our voucher is valid for one year from the date of issue.
- It can be used at any available time by pre-booking.
- When booking the apartment, please provide the voucher number.
- The guests decide about the value of the voucher yourself.
How can you buy a voucher?
Just send a message to: kontakt@apartamenty-molus.pl with information about the amount you want to spend on the voucher, and then make a payment by transfer to our account at mBank No. 51 1140 2004 0000 3002 7513 0536, SWIFT: BREXPLPWMBK. The voucher will be sent by post or you can pick it up in person.
Additional information:
If the full value of the voucher is not used, the difference is not refunded. However, when the value of the voucher is exceeded, the guest is obliged to pay the missing amount. The voucher is not exchangeable for cash.